The Dutch Hacker
hashing - crypto 101

Hashing – Crypto 101

This is the write up for the room Hashing – Crypto 101 on Tryhackme and it is part of the complete beginners path

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Tasks Hashing – Crypto 101

Task 1

Read all that is in the task and press complete

Task 2

2.1 What is the output size in bytes of the MD5 hash function?

Answer: 16

2.2 Can you avoid hash collisions? (Yea/Nay)

Answer: Nay

2.3 If you have an 8 bit hash output, how many possible hashes are there?

Took me a while to understand this. But here is a good explenation Hash Functions (

2 to the power of 8 = 256

Answer: 256

Task 3

3.1 Crack the hash “d0199f51d2728db6011945145a1b607a” using the rainbow table manually.

Go to Hash Type Identifier – Identify unknown hashes and put in the hash. The password will reveal itself

3.2 Crack the hash “5b31f93c09ad1d065c0491b764d04933” using online tools

Go to Hash Type Identifier – Identify unknown hashes and put in the hash. The password will reveal itself

3.3 Should you encrypt passwords? Yea/Nay

Answer: Nay

Task 4:

4.1 How many rounds does sha512crypt ($6$) use by default?

With a little bit of google I came accross this site that hold the answer Hashing passwords: SHA-512 can be stronger than bcrypt (by doing more rounds) – Michael Franzl

Answer ; 5000

4.2 What’s the hashcat example hash (from the website) for Citrix Netscaler hashes?

Open the example site from the text in the task example_hashes [hashcat wiki]. Look for the Citrix Netscaler. There are 2. The answer is the one that is not 512

4.3 How long is a Windows NTLM hash, in characters?

You can find the answer here example_hashes [hashcat wiki].

Answer 32

Task 5

5.1 Crack this hash: $2a$06$7yoU3Ng8dHTXphAg913cyO6Bjs3K5lBnwq5FJyA6d01pMSrddr1ZG

First we need to identify the hash by going to Hash Type Identifier – Identify unknown hashes

crack that hash

Now we need to find the right module for hashcat to use. Type in

 hashcat -h | grep -iF "bcrypt"

We now know it is module 3200. Now let’s crack it by typing in

hashcat -m 3200 '$2a$06$7yoU3Ng8dHTXphAg913cyO6Bjs3K5lBnwq5FJyA6d01pMSrddr1ZG' /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

5.2 Crack this hash: 9eb7ee7f551d2f0ac684981bd1f1e2fa4a37590199636753efe614d4db30e8e1

First we need to identify the hash by going to Hash Type Identifier – Identify unknown hashes

Hashing - Crypto 101

And it already giving the password

5.3 Crack this hash: $6$GQXVvW4EuM$ehD6jWiMsfNorxy5SINsgdlxmAEl3.yif0/c3NqzGLa0P.S7KRDYjycw5bnYkF5ZtB8wQy8KnskuWQS3Yr1wQ0

First we need to identify the hash by going to Hash Type Identifier – Identify unknown hashes

Hashing - Crypto 101

Now we know it is sha512crypt we need to fin the correct module by typing in

hashcat -h | grep -iF "sha512crypt"

The module is 1800 . Now let’s start cracking by typing in

hashcat -m 1800 '$6$GQXVvW4EuM$ehD6jWiMsfNorxy5SINsgdlxmAEl3.yif0/c3NqzGLa0P.S7KRDYjycw5bnYkF5ZtB8wQy8KnskuWQS3Yr1wQ0' /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

The answer will reveal itself once hashcat is done

5.4 Bored of this yet? Crack this hash: b6b0d451bbf6fed658659a9e7e5598fe

First we need to identify the hash by going to Hash Type Identifier – Identify unknown hashes

and once we put in the hash the password is there as well. So no cracking needed

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