This is the write up for the room How websites work on Tryhackme and it is part of the complete beginners path
Make a connection with VPN or use the attack box on Tryhackme site to connect to the Tryhackme lab environment.
Tasks How websites work
Task 1
Read all that is in the task
1.1 What term best describes the side your browser renders a website?
Answer: Client Side
Task 2
2.1 One of the images on the cat website is broken – fix it, and the image will reveal the hidden text answer!
Change line 10 to
<img src='img/cat-2.jpg'>
Press render HTML code in the right upper corner to get the answer
2.2 Add a dog image to the page by adding another img tag (<img>) on line 11. The dog image location is img/dog-1.png
add the following HTML under line 10
<img src='img/dog-1.png'>

Press Render HTML Code to reveal your answer
Task 3
3.1 Click the “View Site” button on this task. On the right-hand side, add JavaScript that changes the demo element’s content to “Hack the Planet”
Change H there1 to Hack the planet then press the Render button.
A popup will appear with the answer

Task 4
4.1 View the website on this task. What is the password hidden in the source code?
press the login button first then a link appear to see the source code once you press this you will see the credentials

Task 5
5.1 View the website on this task and inject HTML so that a malicious link to is shown
Enter the following code in the white box
<a href="">Myname</a>
Press the say Hi button and a popup will appear with the answer
This is a very small room but a very important room. You need to have a basic understanding of HTML, javascript, and injection