The Dutch Hacker
intro to windows on Tryhackme

Intro to Windows on Tryhackme

This is the write up for the room Intro to Windows on Tryhackme and it is part of the Tryhackme Cyber Defense Path

Make connection with VPN or use the attackbox on Tryhackme site to connect to the Tryhackme lab environment

This room is very easy to follow but if you do not have allot of understanding of Windows and Windows server then please pay allot of attention in task 6 and 7. It is very basic

Tasks Intro to Windows

Task 1

Read all that is in the task

1.1 When was Windows announced?

Answer: November 20 1985

1.2 Which is the latest version of Windows?

Answer: Windows 10

1.3 Which is the latest version of Windows Server?

Answer: Correct Answer

Task 2

Read all that is in the task

2.1 In which folder are users profiles stored?

Answer: Users

Task 3

Read all that is in the task. It is all very good explained

3.1 Which Active Directory is cloud based?

Answer: azure active directory

3.2 Which authentication method does not provide data integrity?

Answer: nltm

3.3 Which authentication method assigns a ticket in order for a user to login?

Answer: Kerberos

3.4 Which authentication method allow users to access applications with a single login (short name)?

Answer: SAML

3.5 Authentication method that uses JSON Web Tokens?

Answer: OpenID Connect

Task 4

Read all that is in the task and press complete

Task 5

5.1 Which can be considered the most important server?

Asnwer: Domain Controller

5.2 Which server can store emails?

Answer: Mail Server

Task 6

Spin up the attached machine. You can use Remmina to RDP into the machine and follow the task

apt install remmina

Open remmina and connect to the server with the credentials given in the task

Post-Exploitation Basics on tryhackme

Task 7

Read and following along with what is in the task and then press complete to finish the room

And this conclude the intro to windows room. As I said before in the intro of this room it is all very basic.

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