The Dutch Hacker
nmap -h

Nmap Room on Tryhackme

This is the write up for the room Nmap on Tryhackme

Make connection with VPN or use the attackbox on Tryhackme site to connect to the Tryhackme lab enviroment


Task 1:

Press on deploy to deploy the VM connected to this room after reading the task. Press complete to move to Task 2

Task 2:

Read all that is in the task.

Question one and two can be found in the text of the task itself

asnwer task 2

Question 3 can be found with a good google string and remember 0 is also a port

nmap default ports
asnwer task 2

Task 3:

Read all that is in the task. All the question answers can be found with either the command man nmap or nmap -h . There are 15 questions in this task. Let’s get started

3.1 Type in the command nmap -h

nmap -h
Answer task 3

3.2 Type in the command nmap -h

nmap -h
answer task 3

3.3 Type in the command nmap -h

nmap -h
answer task 3

3.4 Type in the command nmap -h

nmap -h
answer task 3

3.5 and 3.6 Type in the command nmap -h

nmap -h
answer task 3

3.7 Type in the command nmap -h

nmap -h
answer task 3

3.8 and 3.9 Type in the command nmap -h

nmap -h
answer task 3

3.10 his one took me a while to find but it is under the same help page. Type in the command nmap -h

nmap -h
answer task 3

3.11 , 3.12 and 3.13 Type in the command nmap -h

nmap -h
answer task 3
nmap -h
answer task 3

3.14 Type in the command man nmap

The script engine explanation will be after line 1222

nmap -h
answer task 3

3.15 Type in the command nmap -h

nmap -h
answer task 3

Scan Types

Task 4:

Read all that is in the task and press complete

Task 5:

The answer of these question can be found it the task. Just by reading the task you can answer these questions

answer task 4

Task 6:

Read all that is in the task. The answers of the questions in these task can be found in the text of this task

answer task 4

Task 7:

Read all that is in the task. The answers of the questions in these task can be found in the text of this task

answer task 4

Task 8:

Read all that is in the task. The answers of the questions in these task can be found in the text of this task

answer task 4

Task 9:

Read all that is in the task. The task is learning you about the parameter -sn. As for subnet it is a class B network also stated under the hint button. So the answer to this question nmap -sn

answer task 9

NSE Scripts

Task 10:

Read all that is in the task. The answers of the questions in these task can be found in the text of this task. As for the last question in this task. Just think about what you do not want in an production environment.

answer task 10

Task 11:

Read all that is in the task. For th firt question open the link that is provided in the task NSEDoc Reference Portal

Search for ftp-anon

nmap script command

Task 12:

For the first question type cd /usr/share/nmap/scripts in the terminal and press enter. The type ls smb* in the terminal and press enter. Firs command is to naviagte to the right directory as stated in the task and the second shows all files that start with smb. If you do not know these command then please start with the Linux Fundamentals Part 1

nmap -h
answer task 12

For the second question we need to cat the the script to screen by entering the following command cat smb-os-discovery.nse

nmap -h
answer task 12

Task 13:

Read all that is in the task. The answer of the first question can be found in the text of the task. And knowing what te ping protocol is. Which was already cover earlier in this room

For the next question type in the command nmap -h

nmap -h
answer task 13

The Practice part for nmap

Task 14:

Now we are going to use the machine we spinned up in the beginning of the room.

14.1 Type in the command ping <IP of the VM> With Control+C you can stop the ping command

nmap -h
answer task 14

14.2 Type in the command nmap -sX -Pn <IP of VM>

nmap -h

The question is asking for the first 999 ports. 1000 are open

answer task 14

14.3 The asnwer of the third question can be found in the hint. Type in the command nmap -vv -Pn <ip of vm>

nmap -h
answer task 14

14.4 type in the command nmap -sS -Pn <IP of VM>

nmap -h
answer task 14

For the last question type in the parameters –script=ftp-anon <IP of VM>

nmap -h
answer task 14

Task 15:

Read all of the task and press complete

Conclusion of the Room Nmap on tryhackme

We now know what the scanning tool to use. It is allot to take in and will only remember most of it by just using it. Practice is key.

I know there are tons of resource on the internet about this tool. This room learned me a couple new things like using scripts and still scanning a machine even if there is no ping request back but you know it is onlne

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